作者:管理员    发布于:2014-10-20 17:07:08    文字:【】【】【

Innovation can create less waste. And, less waste can mean more profitability. Both were true for one VGT customer. One of our customers gave us a challenge to create a better yield, (50-60%) on a process to circuit board with less waste. Today, that customer reports that they have greater product yield—sometimes greater than 90 percent—and less waste when using our process versus their previous manufacturer’s. How did that happen? This is our duty , for ourselves, and for our customer.

Improve manufacturing yield
Increase customer satisfaction
Reduce overall manufacturing costs

Developing a powerful innovation strategy is no easy task—it takes the right people, increased profitability and a commitment to customer satisfaction. At VGT, our people are constantly thinking about better ways to do things—for our company, as well as for our customers. In fact, they are challenged and rewarded for doing so. Our Product Development and Innovation Team are very creative. They have found solutions to hundreds of challenges presented to us from our customers. Now more than ever, innovation is key to growth and to acquiring and keeping customers. Every company, in every industry, needs innovative thinkers and an innovation strategy—whether it be high-tech products or process innovation. We are innovators. And, we put our money where our mouth is. In recent years, we have spent over $5M on technologies that help us produce products better, faster and with “better solutions.” Success depends on a variety of factors, including having the best people in place to do the job, to having new and better ideas, to our ability to manage innovation…from concept to delivery to the customer. We are that company. Do you have a unique situation and need an innovative, cost- or waste-saving solution? Let VGT Product Development and Innovation Team help you.


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