The establishment of the new leadership team
作者:管理员    发布于:2010-07-06 16:22:19    文字:【】【】【
摘要:The establishment of the new leadership team

According to the opinions and suggestions of new organizations and participants, the chairman of the management of the company has been fine-tuning, while the new leadership team has put forward higher requirements:
1. company executives should know responsibility, from the little things, improve their work style, today's things to do today, this week's job to complete this week.
2. Companies adhering to the "sales as the first, quality as the core, management as a link" to integrate company resources, people-oriented, seek truth from facts and step by step to do everything.
3. The management should be based on "management is no small matter, the quality is no small matter, the customer service is no small matter, safety is no small matter,".


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